2022-03-04 11:24:02

213 million Shiba Inu Tokens Burnt In Just 24 Hours

A total of 213,640,225 Shiba Inu tokens were burnt in the last 24 hours, with a total of 10 transactions. With as much as 150 million tokens being burned in a single transaction, the total number of 213 million tokens burned is the highest amount of tokens taken out of circulation for good in a single day this year. Let’s try to put this in perspective. 19,359,317 $SHIB tokens were burnt the day before. This suggests that the burning rate has increased by 905.73 percent in the last 24 hours. This means that almost 9 times more tokens were burned today than yesterday. How Were the Shiba Inu Tokens Burnt? To burn $SHIB tokens, they must be transferred to inactive or inaccessible wallet addresses in order to be removed from circulation. As soon as these tokens are sent to a burn address, they are forever gone. In effect, burning the tokens decreases the number of tokens, which in turn increases the scarcity. This scarcity may lead to an increase in the market price for the tokens. With trillions of $SHIB tokens in circulating supply, burning helps to reduce the overall supply, which in turn helps to increase the value of the tokens that are still in circulation. In the month of February alone, 252 transactions resulted in the burning of 1.49 billion $SHIB tokens. According to data available on from transactions involving $SHIB tokens, more than 410 trillion tokens have been burned from the original supply. The popula...

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