2022-03-04 06:23:43

Tether And The City Of Lugano Presented Its “Plan B.” What Did We Learn?

The City of Lugano in Switzerland, the most important Italian-speaking city outside of Italy, is not playing around. The goal of their “Plan B” is to “make Lugano the blockchain hub for the entire Europe,” according to Tether’s Paolo Ardoino, and it will probably succeed. The city wants to attract investment and talent, attract wealth and smart minds, and they’re putting their money where their mouth is. Why do they have to brand their plan using bitcoin’s name, though? In NewsBTC’s previous article about the project we were very critical, and even raised the possibility of this being an affinity scam. Bitcoin name is heavily used in all promotional materials, but the protagonists talk about blockchain and crypto like there’s no tomorrow. Why would Tether Ltd. and its partners not make this a crypto project and call it a day? We closed said article giving them the benefit of the doubt: “And here comes the Mayor of the city of Lugano and Tether to sing bitcoin’s praises. A “blockchain not bitcoin” guy and the organization behind the most controversial stablecoin. Even though it’s suspicious, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and hear what they have to say. They might surprise us at the March 3rd conference. Maybe Lugano has a Plan B after all.” Do they have a Plan B? Let’s find out. Bitcoin Legal Tender In Lugano. And USDT. And LVGA The story’s headline is that Bitcoin, Tether, and LVGA, the city’s own cryptocurrency, wi...

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