2022-03-03 11:58:26

Japanese Financial Giant Nomura to Launch New Digital Asset Division

Japanese financial giant Nomura has announced its plans to launch a new digital asset division to look into the potential opportunities in the crypto sector. Nomura to Explore Crypto, NFTs With New Unit According to an official announcement, Nomura Holdings will be restructuring its Future Innovation Company into a new Digital Company, which will begin operations starting next month. With the new unit, the company will explore the possibilities of cryptocurrency, NFTs, security tokens, alongside technologies such as distributed ledgers to expand its private markets businesses. With a whopping value of almost $432 billion in total assets from the past year, Nomura might become one of the largest investors in blockchain technologies from the Asian region, alongside Animoca Brands. Commenting on the development, Nomura President and Group CEO, Kentaro Okuda, said: “Digital technology is a critical part of our strategic drive to expand our operations in private markets. The new Digital Company will lead deeper collaboration among internal and external stakeholders, accelerate our uptake of digital technologies, and enhance our client services.” Japan’s Budding Crypto and the NFT Market NFTs are becoming increasingly popular in Japan, despite the country having the most rigorous crypto regulations. For instance, Nomura Holdings recently became the latest Japanese financial company to explore NFTs. Similarly, Rakuten, a Japanese e-c...

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