2022-03-03 02:30:20

MooPay: a Non-custodial, No Chargebacks, No Coding Required Crypto Payments Settlement Platform

As the world moves gradually to Web 3.0 from Web 2.0, many layers of the world’s economy are being replaced by blockchain and smart contracts technology. Decentralized finance (DeFi) has grown a lot more popular and more people are becoming comfortable carrying out transactions on DeFi platforms instead of using the regular banking system. While this is a welcome change, the current crypto markets landscape lacks companies that offer services that help users settle transactions comfortably with cryptocurrencies. This problem is what the team at MooPay have decided to face head-on to provide a solution. MooPay MooPay is a Non-custodial, no chargebacks, no coding required crypto payment settlement company that allows users to accept crypto payments anywhere, anytime, and from anyone in any currency. The platform allows users to automate and control their financial transactions easily. Currently, there are over 2 billion people worldwide who are unbanked, and MooPay is offering this set of people the opportunity to get their financial transactions done without waiting to get into the banking system. While the technology behind MooPay will benefit this group of people, it will also do the same to the e-commerce industry as that is an ecosystem that has enjoyed a highly beneficial system of financial transactions from both blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to both customers and merchants alike in the developed and developi...

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