2022-02-19 08:01:56

Family Will Continue Producing NFTs, Says Picasso’s Granddaughter

Marina Picasso, the granddaughter of the renowned painter and sculptor Pablo Picasso said that she and her son Florian will continue launching NFT collections depicting the painter’s artworks. Her statement comes shortly after a public dispute among her family members who did not approve of the initiative. Picasso’s Family Will Continue Producing NFTs Earlier this year, Florian Picasso released an NFT collection featuring some of the painter’s renowned artwork. The initial collection included 1,000 NFTs launched in collaboration with the musician John Legend. Shortly after that certain members of the family opposed the project. Appearing in a YouTube video, Picasso’s granddaughter, Marina Picasso expressed support for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) saying that her uncle, Claude Picasso who was previously apprehensive now endorses the project. She further clarified that she and her son will continue producing NFTs as its ‘modern technology that allows us to connect with art.’ “I have a 30-year-old son who’s passionate about NFTs. It appealed to me, so I looked into this subject, and I find that it’s a modern technology that allows us to connect with art. It really appealed to me. And it’s in this way that I decided with my son to create our first NFT collection,” she said. Man and the Beat NFT Collection Launched three weeks ago, the Picasso family’s latest NFT collection called “Man and the Beat” consists of five limited-edition s...

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