2022-02-16 19:44:42

Charles Hoskinson Makes a Case for Crypto Amid Canadian Martial Law

In a tweet made minutes before the time of writing this article, Charles Hoskinson seemed to be promoting crypto as he took a dig at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for invoking the Emergencies Act in the country to quell continued protests across the country over Covid-19 health measures. The Act allows the use of the military, but may not necessarily lead to that, and Trudeau said the government is not bringing them in. But it can temporarily suspend citizens’ rights to free movement or assembly. And the government is taking steps to stop the financial support of illegal protests. Charles Hoskinson Underlines The Significance of Crypto’s Decentralized Structure With the Emergency Act giving financial institutions the power to freeze personal or corporate accounts, cryptocurrencies have become more important than ever. The Cardano blockchain founder seemed to be highlighting the decentralized structure of cryptocurrencies and making a case in their favor by asserting the control that they give people over their money. An Unprecedented Move The Emergencies Act has been invoked for the first time since it became law in 1988 to blunt the impact of the “Freedom Convoy” protests. The rallies began when a group of truckers moved into Canada’s capital on January 29, clogging streets surrounding the Parliament building and elsewhere in downtown Ottawa to protest against a new mandate that requires them to be fully vaccinated w...

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