2022-02-10 17:02:28

A Hands-on Experience on Some of the Most Popular Smart Contract Platforms

In 2021, many smart contract platforms competed for users’ attention and attempted to be the next Ethereum killer. The terms DeFi, GameFi, and NFT, have been all over the media lately, and any of these would not be possible without smart contracts. As more smart contract platforms are introduced, it becomes hard for newcomers to choose which is right for them. This article will examine some of the most popular smart contract platforms and share our hands-on experience with them. Ethereum Token: ETH TPS: 10 Ethereum is the world’s first smart contract platform. Developers create decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with an object-oriented programming language called solidity. Users can interact with dApps that operate autonomously. Since Ethereum is the first smart-contract-enabled blockchain platform, it has a lot of active developers and has the most Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi as far as blockchains are concerned. However, despite being the most popular smart contract platform, it still has a few downsides that make us try to stay away from it when possible. One drawback is the slow transaction speed since Ethereum can only process around 10 transactions per second (TPS). The other problem is the hefty transaction fee it charges when the network is busy, in which the fee may sometimes cost more than the transaction per se. Binance Smart Chain Token: BNB TPS: 60 Binance Smar...

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