2022-02-09 15:30:53

How NFTs will Support Content Creators

The internet has provided a remarkable stage for creativity and innovation. However, there is a problem: conventional content creators are not appropriately compensated for their efforts. Despite its best efforts to propel artists to new heights, the level of competition is so high that creators have little room to expand efficiently. The oversupply of content and creators has annihilated the whole Web 2 universe. Though things are beginning to change, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Blockchain, and in particular NFTs, are paving the way for content creators to enter the Web 3 universe. These tokens are powering the new creator economy of the future. NFTs are giving content creators more autonomy on monetization and content rights, therefore enabling them to maximize their earnings. The Rising Trend Towards Creator NFTs NFTs have grown at a breakneck pace in the last year. According to DappRadar’s NFT marketplace tracker, the total NFT 30-day trading volume for the top five markets reached more than $2.8 billion in 2021. Although these tokens have been touted for a long time, the trend has been shifting every few months. At first, NFTs were dominated by sports highlights and trade cards, and GIF-animated artwork. Then came the trend for digital collectibles and this year NFT-linked craze has started with movies, music, fashion, virtual property, gaming assets, avatars, virtual pets… Even though there are exc...

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