2022-02-08 13:15:27

Twitter is Moving Further Into NFTs With the Help of QuickNode

Twitter recently announced the integration of a non-fungible token (NFT) profile picture feature on its TwitterBlue platform. It is a subscription version of the microblogging and social networking service with the entire operation being overseen by QuickNode. QuickNode is a Web3 developer platform that allows users to build and scale blockchain-powered applications (dApps) seamlessly. QuickNode is a project that allows non-crypto, blockchain-focused businesses to build their own nodes (with a global network of RPC endpoints) across a total of 10+ blockchains — including Solana, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Polygon, and others — with the click of a button. Alexander Nabutovsky, the co-founder of QuickNode, expressed his thoughts on the above-mentioned development, saying: “While demand for QuickNode’s platform as a provider of blockchain infrastructure continues to take off as more companies look to adopt blockchain as part of their product strategy, we’re excited to partner with platforms such as Twitter to deliver support for features like their recently launched NFT Profile Pictures. Through this new feature, we’ll help provide a means in which people on Twitter can show off the NFTs they own and be a part of its thriving community” For context, it’s worth mentioning that the NFT industry has risen at an exponential rate over the last twelve months, with conservative estimates indicating that the sector’s combined market cap easily s...

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