2022-02-03 02:00:33

Litecoin Creator Praises Dogecoin, Can The Token Get Its Bark Back?

In the midst of fast-paced vacillations between Polkadot (DOT), Terra (LUNA), and DOGE, Dogecoin (DOGE), a cryptocurrency project that began as a joke but has now taken on a far more powerful persona, continues to compete for a place in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. Last year, Dogecoin went through two bullish stages. While the first leg was sparked by Robinhood’s adoption of the meme coin, the second was spearheaded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who earned the moniker “Dogefather” for his unwavering support for Dogecoin. Many observers believe that the ‘Elon Musk effect’ is the lone bullish thesis for Dogecoin because Musk’s persona has such a strong influence on the meme coin’s prospects. Now, Litecoin creator has praised the meme coin, calling Elon Musk great. Meme Coin Praised by Litecoin Founder Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin, one of the most valuable crypto assets by market capitalization, has praised Dogecoin, a popular meme coin, for its contribution in mainstreaming the crypto business. Charlie Lee, in a recent Bloomberg interview, described Dogecoin as “great” and “pretty fun.” He thinks that the most popular meme cryptocurrency is ready to attract a large number of new users. Given the role both have played in bridging the gap between the crypto industry and the general public, his praise for Elon Musk and Dogecoin is expected....

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