2022-01-18 06:24:03

Metaverse Avenue, The Solana Based Marketing Platform Set To Transform A Billion Dollar Industry

Digital assets have experienced a boom in the past years with new trends, such as DeFi, NFTs, and digital property, supporting a new wave of adoption led by institutional demand. These players have embraced the technology upon which they are planning to build the internet of the future, the Metaverse. In the coming years, as younger generations inherited wealth and power, every financial and business sector will need to have a presence in the Metaverse. Thus, understating the benefits and opportunities earlier could reward projects and investors that develop a business strategy around these assets. A new project called Metaverse Avenue and built on Solana was created for users to begin their journey into this sector. This advertising metaverse platform leverages the power of NFTs for users or companies to promote their products, personal and corporate brands, in the digital world. Create Your Profile Or Rent Property On The Metaverse Metaverse Avenue has a strong team of people with deep knowledge in the promotion and development of crypto and blockchain products. In total, there are around 10 people that understand design, marketing, and the crypto industry as a whole, that decided to create a unique way to combine the power of NFTs with marketing. Metaverse Avenue will let users purchase NFTs and get a block on the project digital billboards. Therein, a person or company can upload information and an image on themselves or a...

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