2022-01-15 09:51:36

Will Tarantino Be Able To Sell The Pulp Fiction NFTs? Or Will Miramax Prevail?

In two days, the auction of the first Pulp Fiction NFT will take place. A historical moment for the nascent industry, one that will set precedent for years to come. When Quentin Tarantino and the Secret Network announced a partnership aimed at releasing NFTs from the classic 90s film, the world listened. Unfortunately for them, so did Miramax. The studio still holds the right to Pulp Fiction, so they sent a cease and desist letter. Related Reading | Upside Potential in NFTs is Massive Says Gary Vaynerchuk The caveat here is that “the unique value proposition from The Secret Network lies in the name; the NFTs will be “secret” and only accessible by the NFTs owner.” When NewsBTC covered this story, we explained: “That fact makes the lawsuit endlessly interesting. Only the person that buys the NFT can see what’s inside, so Miramax has no clue about the kind of content they’re suing for. They just know they own the rights to the picture and the discarded material, but, besides the reports and the marketing material, they’re as in the dark as the rest of us about the actual content.” What has happened since then? A LOT. Let’s explore the new developments in the case. Bidding begins in one week! Register now on The future is now. You won't want to miss this. $SCRT $ATOM $ETH — Tarantino NFTs (@TarantinoNFTs) January 10, 2022 Unreleased Scenes And Material In the begi...

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