2022-01-09 09:53:50

How Projects are Revolutionizing Crypto Staking Through Referral Programs

Once reserved for the pros in the crypto space, staking has become a common practice across all participants in the space. Today, anyone has an opportunity to earn passive income on their crypto assets in just a few clicks, whether on a centralized exchange or DEX. Over the past two years, centralized exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase have introduced staking to their users, compelling decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, to follow suit. At the height of the DeFi boom in 2021, over $110 billion in value was locked on decentralized platforms as staking became one of the most lucrative ways to earn passive income and relish returns on investment. On January 3, 2022, Ethereum 2.0 crossed the $34 billion mark in total value staked, showing a possible continuation of the explosive growth this year. Despite the growth, many platforms only offered staking rewards as the only viable passive income strategy for their users. One DEX, Hashbon, aims to change this by adding a reward system that complements staking with them – the staking referral program. Hashbon, one of the first cross-chain DEXs, announced the launch of their own staking program, “Hashbon Rocket”, last December to give HASH holders an opportunity to earn the highest possible APY and APR among all the available staking opportunities. Midway through the month, the ‘Hashbon Rocket Staking Referral Program’ launched, providing all HASH holders with an additional reve...

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