2022-01-06 16:35:40

From Static to Intelligent: Autonomy Network bringing the first-ever living, autonomous NFTs (aNFTs)

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have taken the cryptocurrency industry by storm. Although the concept has much more potential, it is an excellent tool to create and sell digital art or collectibles. Autonomy is bringing NFTs to life, the autonomous NFTs (aNFTs) that can do things on behalf of their holder through automation. Autonomous NFTs? Is That Even Possible? The current generation of non-fungible tokens is static and primarily a one-trick pony. Moreover, the industry suffers from tremendous speculation rather than utility. Although that situation slowly changes, there is still little one can do with an NFT. All of that will change in the future, at least where the Autonomy Network is considered. Rather than focus on static NFTs, Autonomy introduces the concept of aNFTs, or autonomous non-fungible tokens. It may seem a bit Skynet-like at first, although this concept has tremendous potential. One can use a smart contract to create more contracts. Developers have been able to code such features for a while, although nothing has been deployed on a large scale just yet. Through Autonomy, it becomes possible to own an NFT that can work on your behalf around the clock. Some may argue it is possible to deploy a bot for that particular purpose, although it requires some upkeep and a hands-on approach to the coding itself. Automating these processes can lead to many potential use cases and applications. What Can An aNFT Do? There is...

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