2022-01-04 19:14:25

Amid Electricity Shortages, Kosovo Government Places Ban On Crypto Mining

Kosovo has banned crypto mining on Tuesday in an effort to reduce electricity use as the country grapples with its worst energy crisis in a decade as a result of electricity disruptions. Kosovo Bans Crypto Mining Operations Due to electricity shortages during the winter season, the government of Kosovo has decided to stop crypto mining in the country. According to a report by local newspaper Gazeta Express, Kosovo’s Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, has decided to ban crypto mining following a recommendation from the Technical Committee on Emergency Measures for Energy Supply. The government made the decision after Kosovo’s energy supply fell below the required level, and it began imposing electric power cutbacks during high usage hours, according to the article. Law enforcement authorities are expected to intervene to block the manufacture of crypto currencies, and try to locate places where such operations take place. Economy and Energy Minister Artane Rizvanolli said in a statement: “All law enforcement agencies will stop the production of this activity in cooperation with other relevant institutions that will identify the locations where there is cryptocurrency production.” In reaction to the problem, the administration has decided to form a technical committee to evaluate emergency energy supply strategies, according to Rizvanolli. Last week, the government decided to take immediate actions i...

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