2022-01-04 08:58:34

A Metaverse Network Built on aelf Blockchain

As Facebook changed its name to META, the world has seen a spiked interest in metaverse-concept GameFi projects, such as Decentraland, Sandbox, Axie Infinity, Illuvium, and many more. The land of the concept has brought an infinitely broad market to the construction of blockchain infrastructure. At the same time, the public chain is bound to usher in huge changes in the dimensions of performance, security, privacy, and ease of use. For a long time, aelf is the best-performed and secured blockchain cloud infrastructure. In the following three aspects, aelf is likely to stand out in the public chain track. Performance of aelf mainnet aelf has developed an open-source blockchain network powered by the cloud and designed as a multi-level sidechain structure, enabling unlimited scalability on the road to a decentralized future. With this platform, users can gain access to a single solution to breaking industrial bottlenecks, including performance and cross-chain functionality. When considering performance, the platform has set up each node in the network as its own cloud computing center. Combined with a multi-level sidechain structure, each node then gains unlimited scalability. Currently, aelf Enterprise has approached 35k TPS, per sidechain. With the continuous development of Metaverse, future users and transactions on the chain will surpass hundreds or thousands of times the level of today. This requires a strong public chain p...

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