2021-12-07 20:30:39

Majority Of Bitcoin Investors Got In This Year, Says Grayscale

If there is one thing bitcoin bull markets are good for, it’s drawing investors into the market. This has been the case for all of the past bull rallies and the 2021 rally was no different. The number of investors who bought their first BTC this year has been significant, soaring higher than the number of investors that were already invested in the cryptocurrency. Grayscale LLC carried out a survey that showed that 2021 has been a remarkable year for new bitcoin investors who flocked to the market en masse. The multiple bull runs this year brought with it heightened interest from both individual and institutional investors and that fact shone through in the data collected by Grayscale. Related Reading | Croatia’s Largest Supermarket Chain Rolls Out Bitcoin Payments 55% Of Investors Got In This Year Grayscale LLC carried out a survey that consisted of 1,000 respondents and the results have shown some interesting trends. According to the survey carried out in mid-August, a larger percentage of all investors in bitcoin only started investing this year. Of the 1,000 respondents, a quarter (25%) said that they already bought and owned BTC but more interesting was the fact that 55% of all respondents who owned BTC said that they started investing in the digital asset this year. BTC starts another recovery trend | Source: BTCUSD on This follows the growth trend of the digital asset and other cryptocurrencies...

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