2021-12-07 06:14:53

Top Play-To-Earn NFT Games For December 2021

As we are approaching the end of 2021, Play-to-earn NFT games are becoming more and more popular with no signs of slowing down. For this month, there are a couple of exciting new play-to-earn games that are going to hit the mainstream. The Atari Chain team has been closely watching developments in the market over the past few weeks and months. Several elements are apparent from this: Blockchain gaming and a parallel trend of the metaverse is the future. There is a market of 3.24 billion gamers and growing to attract. The Play-To-Earn element inherent in blockchain gaming is on the cusp of creating an entirely new economy. There is a massive drive from institutions (such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft) to invest in the metaverse. At the same time, there is a bull market for crypto gaming and metaverse tokens. Atari Chain is at a very early stage. Successful video games take years to develop, and experienced gaming studios who know what it takes to ship a product to the market have a tremendous advantage over newcomers. Much of the hype will be temporary, and many projects will fail to take hold. There are hundreds of blockchain games and new crypto projects being launched every day, many by inexperienced game developers. What’s Hot? In reviewing Dapp Radar and looking at the top blockchain games on the market right now, here are a few play-to-earn games that our gamers and NFT enthusiasts can look out for: Splinterlands –...

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