2021-12-06 14:38:51

Mariah Carey-Backed Geojam Launches Crypto Token To Help Fans Get Creative With Artists

Imagine coming up with a song idea and the idea is loved by everyone so much you get backing via a crypto token. And you raise so many of these crypto tokens, your favorite artist then decides to sing it. Sounds crazy? It’s possible — as of today. Yes, via the popular social music app Geojam you can do just that. It works like this: Geojam is an Apple iOS social streaming platform, backed by artists like Mariah Carey and 24kGoldn. It lets users have “interactive experiences” with their favourite artists and share music with friends and other app users. Today it dropped its very own crypto token, $JAM. Released through decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Lattice Exchange Launchpad — which is powered by Constellation Network’s Hypergraph protocol — the token can be earned, held and staked by Geojam users. With $JAM fans can direct their favorite artists music careers Got a great song idea for your favorite artist? Stake $JAM in a “proposal pool” and if other users like it, they’ll back it. If it gets enough backing, the artist will create the song. That’s the idea, anyway. “Artists want to engage deeper with their fans, while fans have also demonstrated a desire to engage with their favorite artists,” Sarah Figueroa, CEO and co-founder of Geojam, said. “$JAM reward incentives offer a key benefit to the community while also empowering artists to monetize their fandom.” “Our crypto token allows artists and fans to leverage their...

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