2021-11-17 17:00:22

Cardano Founder Says Metaverse Is Important For Crypto

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has shared his thoughts on a growing industry, which is the metaverse. The metaverse has been around for a while and has been steadily gaining popularity, especially among gamers. Its cross with the cryptoverse seemed inevitable and this proved to be true when metaverse projects with crypto built into them began to debut in the space. The announcement of Facebook’s name change has also boosted the space. When the social media giant announced that it was changing its name to Meta, in anticipation of its upcoming metaverse launch, the space seems to have exploded. Metaverse-related tokens like MANA and SAND had surged astronomically. Related Reading | Cardano Founder Addresses Price Speculations As ADA Struggles In light of this newfound popularity, discussions are being had all across the crypto space about the future of the metaverse in relation to cryptocurrencies and it seems Hoskinson has high hopes. Metaverse Will Be ‘Humongous’ Mathematician Charles Hoskinson was on the Thinking Crypto podcast on Tuesday to talk about the future of the crypto space. The founder is a well-respected voice in the crypto community and host Tony Edwards took advantage of the opportunity to get his thoughts on some important topics. One of those topics was the metaverse. Hoskinson expressed bullish sentiment for the metaverse. For one, the visionary founder of Cardano expressed that the metaverse is actual...

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