2021-11-12 05:03:04

Discord Planned To Integrate Ethereum. Huge Backlash Made Them Cancel Everything

At least Discord knows where it’s standing now. And, with this story, we know how early into the cryptocurrency game we all are. And how misunderstood all of this is by the general public. Discord’s founder and CEO Jason Citron hinted at possible integration with the Ethereum ecosystem, with NFTs, and with the incumbent Web3. And all hell broke loose. Related Reading | Top Stars Line Up To Support Environmentally Friendly NFT Platform OneOf Discord fanatics spammed Citron’s answers and canceled their subscriptions to their Nitro premium service. Their own employees took to social media to express their discomfort. Video game culture influencers rallied the masses and gathered hundreds of Likes and Retweets. What were their reasons? Environmental concerns. And they consider NFTs a scam. And that they’re ruining video games somehow. Sight… Let’s unpack all of this. How Did Discord Unveil Their Web3 Plans? Content creator Packy McCormick wrote an incredibly long article about Discord’s history and how it could evolve. Of course, it ended with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, their own multichain wallet, and an ill-advised new token. How could it not? It’s obvious that should be the direction that a successful but not entirely profitable company like Discord should go, right? The article concluded: “We strongly believe that the company should follow its users’ pull into web3. The company’s biggest successes to date came when it decide...

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