2021-11-02 07:12:58

“Buy Bitcoin”: Robert Kiyosaki Foresees A New Depression

Bitcoin, gold, and silver are the top recommendation from the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, as he foresees a “giant crash” then “a new depression” on the United States’ near path. Once again, Kiyosaki insisted on saying that the U.S. is “sliding into depression” and strongly recommended buying gold, silver, and bitcoin as a way to overcome what is yet to happen. Some of his followers were skeptical this time around since he has been warning about it for a while. Related Reading | Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Kiyosaki is Buying More Bitcoin Today, But Why? Besides his claimed predictions, he also commented on Biden’s administration and recalled his position against the Feds, judging that they are all “ripping people off” by fostering inflation rather than trying to decrease it as a measure to prevent the “new depression”, which affects the low-income class the most. BIDEEN & FED need inflation to prevent New Depression. Inflation rips off the poor. Inflation makes rich richer. Biden and Fed corrupt. Prepare: Giant crash then new depression. Be smart Buy, gold, silver Bitcoin. Kiyosaki has been very enthusiastic about Bitcoin and firm about his political position in the past. Recently he has said: “I love bitcoin because I do not trust Fed, Treasury, or Wall Street.” Many believe in Bitcoin as a necessity, a great innovation of d...

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