2021-11-02 04:21:24

FantomStarter Taps Into the Power of the Collective to Provide Its Userbase With the First Decentralized Knowledgebase for Blockchain and Technology Startups

Bridge the gap between blockchain and traditional tech with the FantomStarter educational investment community The cryptocurrency ecosystem gained a foothold in the mainstream consciousness throughout 2021 as the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have caught the eye of people from all corners of society from video game players to institutional investors. Similar to the explosion of interest seen during the ICO-craze of the 2017-2018 bull market, the increased attention on cryptocurrency projects has led to an uptick in new project launches amidst an already crowded field of more than 13,000 protocols fighting for their slice of the market share. Not all projects that are launching have the noblest of intentions from the outset, however, and even many of those that do will fail to obtain a sufficient amount of investment or attention needed to allow them to survive long term. Just as many of the “whitepaper-only” ICOs from the last cycle completely vanished during the infamous ‘Crypto Winter’, a large number of the newly launched or already existing projects will fade away during the next bear market despite the hopes and wishes of their community of token holders. But what if you could tap into the power of a dedicated community of investors and researchers and join in on the exploration process by evaluating up-and-coming protocol launches in exchange for the opportunity to gain early access ...

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