2021-10-10 05:34:57

Quick History: The War On Tokens & Crypto Bans

Since the drop of the first token in 2009, there has been a battle for control going on within the digital world. This war is generally financially based, as countries try to secure greater control and grip on decentralized exchanges and cryptocurrency. Here is a brief look into a few different perspectives from countries that have tried to close the door on cryptocurrencies. A Brief Look Into The Hate We’ll take a fundamental look at crypto’s history for those who are less familiar on details that can impact geographical and geopolitical perspectives. For those who are less familiar around cryptocurrency and it’s history we will take a quick dive in: the first crypto coin to bless us was Bitcoin in 2009. Starting as an idea on paper, it grew into a $50K+ top dog coin and blockchain that is finding it’s way into New York’s stock market via ETFs. With its 9,000,000% rise in the last decade, it’s safe to say Bitcoin is the founder and start of where this war begins. Related Reading | Bitcoin Back to $64K?, Why This Time The Bulls Have The Winning Edge As time progressed and Bitcoin grew, more coins started to arise and make a mark in the world of digital currency. In 2013, China attempted to ban the coin, and label it an insufficient and illegal currency. At a high level, what makes these coins a hot commodity to control is the ability to use these coins across the web to buy and purchase...

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