2021-10-07 06:28:44

Last Chance to Join The Aventus Staking Program & Earn From More Than 58m Enterprise-Grade Layer-2 Transactions

Unlike other layer-2 blockchain solutions, Aventus is enterprise-grade, having an agreement to onboard over 58 million transactions from a variety of clients across various sectors. The Aventus Staking Program is already 80% full and has begun processing the first of at least 58 million transactions. The publicly stated goal of the company is to reach one billion layer-2 transactions in the next couple of years. Stakers receive their share of transaction fees as part of the network’s proof-of-stake transaction validation model. The staking program will close once full. Here’s everything you need to know about the Aventus Staking Program and how you can get in before it closes. About Aventus Network What began as a blockchain-based ticketing solution to combat ticket fraud has expanded to become a customisable layer-2 blockchain network that lets businesses & dapps build on Ethereum and other chains, at scale, to process transactions at 100x the speed and 1% of the cost. Everyone knows that Ethereum fees are at an all-time high and scalability is limited to just 13 transactions per second. That’s not enough. Aventus Network is a layer-2 solution that brings the scale and privacy of a permissioned blockchain with the security and interoperability of public blockchains — with none of the drawbacks of either. All current and future transactions will flow through the main net also. You can find full transparency of all Aventus ...

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