2021-09-17 23:00:15

While Broader Crypto Market Holds Its Collective Breath, Whales Are Loading Up On Bitcoin

Bitcoin, likewise other cryptos, have had a hard seven days. So investors across the crypto have understandably been wary of the market and any investments at this point. This has played out in the way the digital assets have done in the market. Various dips have put the market into what looks like a long-suffering form. But while most investors hold their breaths in wait for what happens next, whales are on the move with their bitcoin investments. Whales Gearing Up For Next Bitcoin Rally Whales have been known to move large amounts of cryptocurrencies across wallets. These happen both in times of bull and bear markets. One thing that metrics have shown recently is that whales are using the current price crashes as a buying opportunity. Movements from BTC wallets holding around 100 to 10,000 bitcoins, otherwise known as whales, show that these investors are completely unfazed by current market trends. Related Reading | How Shrinking Short-Term Supply Of Bitcoin Is Affecting The Asset’s Price Data shows that wallets with at least 100 to 10,000 BTC have been increasing their holdings in the last couple of days. These whales have now accumulated over $2.9 billion worth of bitcoin since the week began. Following the price crash that happened on September 7th, the market entered into a period of low momentum. Price remained around the $45K to $47K, with not much in the way of movements either way. Presenting a perfect opportun...

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