2021-09-09 16:00:04

German Investment Firm Plans To Add Bitcoin To Its Offerings

The $500 billion German asset manager speeds up plans to adopt crypto after assessing Bitcoin certificates. The DZ bank group investment arm Union Investment makes another move to provide crypto investment services to individual investors. They intend to convert a small percentage of their funds to BTC. Related Reading | New To Bitcoin? Learn To Trade Crypto With The NewsBTC Trading Course Union Investment is knowns as the investment arm of DZ Bank Group, an organization with more than 800 cooperative banks. They had an asset worth $507 billion under management as of June 30. This makes the investment company one of the biggest asset managers in Germany. Union Investments Conducting A Crypto Experiment According to sources, the portfolio manager revealed the Company’s intention to convert 1-2% of their portfolio to BTC. However, David Barthe added that they’re yet to fix the date the plan will kick off in Q4. This idea emerged after the company’s first addition of crypto to a mixed fund known as Private Funds Flexible Pro. They came like Delta one certificates early this year. Delta certificates expose investors to assets in a manner that looks like they are the owners already. Kamil Kaczmarski is a renonwn consultant for Oliver Wyman financial service providers. He revealed that his firm had observed the high interest in crypto existing within the fund manager lately. Currently, union investment has a total sum of ...

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