2021-09-08 05:15:19

Survey Shows 25% Of US Teens Prefer Cryptocurrency Investment

A new survey shows that teens still receive more persuasion from investing in the stock market, yet, the cryptocurrency sector has become more popular than other alternatives such as real estate. Researchers tried to probe the perceptions of teens in North America on cryptocurrency industry, the stock market. They also included other investments types in the era of high-octane GameStop. The research result revealed that the cryptocurrency industry took the lead ahead of other asset classes like real estate. For example, one in four teens prefers cryptocurrency investment if given enough funds than 24% in real estate. About 43% of the teens maintain that it’s best to invest in the stock market, while up to 37% stick to not investing at all. The survey was jointly conducted by RSM US and Junior Achievement in mid-July this year. They conducted it amidst a small group of over 1,000 teens between 13 to 17 years. Related Reading | New To Bitcoin? Learn To Trade Crypto With The NewsBTC Trading Course Among the respondents, 39% who followed the GameStop saga concurred that stock market investment pays better. However, 20% argued that trading stocks are generally too risky. 40% believed that long-term stock investment is more advantageous. The survey leaders indicated their plan to reinstate the teens’ confidence that stock market investment is the best. In addition, they will change the negative perception the teens ...

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