2021-08-17 14:43:17

Regulators in Spain warns Huobi, Bybit, other exchanges over illegal operation

TL;DR Breakdown Regulators in Spain issue warning to Huobi, Bybit and 10 other exchanges.Crypto industry continues to face crackdown from regulators globally. Regulators in Spain are the latest to begin cracking down on ‘illegal’ crypto activities in the country. Spain’s Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), in charge of regulating securities market in the country has warned popular crypto exchange Huobi and Bybit and ten other exchange firms for operating in the country without proper registration. The other exchange firm warned by regulators in Spain are Dsdaq Market, Markets Cube and Expertise Trader; crypto token issuer N2 Group; trading platforms Markets EU, Profit Assist and Financial Resident, among others. CNMV holds that they all are not authorized to provide investment services in Spain. “According to CNMV records, these institutions are not registered in the corresponding registry of this Commission and therefore are not authorized to provide investment services or other activities subject to the CNMV’s supervision,” the regulators notice read. It is important to note that the CNMV, only has administrative power in the country and cannot enforce any binding action on the exchanges it has warned. A judicial order has to be passed before the regulator can enforce any sanction whatsoever on firms operating in Spain. However, the warning will alert Spanish consumers about the legality of these platforms. Be...

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