2021-08-13 16:52:57

Web3 Foundation Awards Grants to 300 Projects

Web3 Foundation makes another breakthrough as its Grants Program officially signs 302 development projects. The milestone means that Web3 Foundation has funded exactly 100 projects in 2021 alone, as at the time of reporting, with more grants in the pipeline. Web3 Foundation is renowned for its transparency and celebration of grant accomplishments. This comes at the heels of the last milestone in January 2021, when the organization funded 200 projects. Since the program’s inception in December 2018, Web3 Foundation has received a total of 840 applications from teams in over 50 countries. Each of the projects is in tandem with Web3 Foundation’s goal—to sponsor and build innovative applications for decentralized web protocols powered by Web 3.0 Technology. Web 3.0 Technology is building the internet of the future where users have full control of their identity, privacy, and data. As such, all the approved 302 projects cut across the five layers of Web 3.0 Technology Stack. Most of the projects are decentralized runtime modules, while others include development tools, UI development, wallets, cryptography, APIs, etc. The Selection Method Web3 Foundation revealed on its official Medium blog that it originally selected grant awardees through its General Grants Program and the Open Grants Program. The General Grants Program allowed project teams to submit pitches to Web3 Foundation without making the details of their project pu...

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