2021-08-06 16:32:53

Newly Discovered Monero (XMR) Glitch Will Negatively Affect Transaction’s Privacy

The developers of Monero (XMR) recently discovered a bug capable of exposing transactions of its users. Even though the team is working to fix it, they have announced that users’ privacy is at risk as long as the bug remains. The Monero team made this announcement through their official Twitter account. They called it a “significant bug,” which they claim to have discovered in the crypto’s “decoy selection algorithm” This algorithm is a system that the network uses to hide output transactions within 10 decoys. A Brief About The Bug History The developer who discovered this bug was Justin Berman, a software developer. He noticed that the bug makes it easier for output transactions to become visible as real spend among the 10 decoys. Once the user spends money after a lock time in the first 2 blocks or spends money after receiving money, the transaction will be visible. Related Reading | American Banks Encouraged To Partner with Cryptocurrency Firms When Justin discovered the bug, he stated that there is no risk of exposure for addresses and transaction amounts. However, it will enable users to know when a transaction occurs on the crypto. According to the developers’ statements, the bug won’t facilitate the stealing of funds, but it has remained in the wallet code. Another Monero (XMR) contributor mentioned on Reddit that the Monero bug impacts past transactions. So, Monerao developers recommend tha...

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