2021-08-06 16:34:09

New SEC Regulations Add Cryptocurrency Under Security-Based Swap Rules

The cryptocurrency industry might soon be flooded with different kinds of rules to checkmate its operations. The recent developments in the sector point towards a new SEC rule that will guide the security swaps occurring in many financial assets, including crypto. This information came from the SEC Chairman during a speech he gave to the American Bar Association Derivative & Future Law Committee. While speaking, Gary Gensler outlined the changes that will take place on security-based swaps in 2022. According to Gary, these changes will ensure that transparency exists in such transactions and reduce the risks associated with the market. Related Reading | Vitalik Buterin Urges Ethereum To Grow Beyond DApps The new requirements will take off in November and include internal risk management, new counterparty protections, new capital & margin requirements, trade acknowledgment & confirmation, record keeping & reporting procedures, and supervision & Chief compliance officers. In addition, from February 2022, the SEC will mandate swap data repositories to publicize data about individual transactions. Due to these rules, Gary mentioned that he had asked staff to embrace ways that can increase transparency & reduce risk using authorities, especially for security-based SEFs & Position reporting. Before closing the speech, the SEC Chairman mentioned that the cryptocurrency sector would be a part of the tr...

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