2021-08-04 05:26:34

Fear And Greed: Sentiment Turns Neutral As Bitcoin Stagnates, What To Do?

It’s the calm before the storm. What to do when the Fear and Greed index turns grey? Warren Buffett already told us to be greedy when others are fearful. We already know that we should be fearful when others are greedy. What should we do when the market it’s at a rare state of balance and expectations are high? We should probably take a page for those Bitcoin maximalists and… wait for it… HODL! One of the main criticisms that the Fear and Greed Index gets is that it encourages traders and investors to try to time the market instead of holding strong. Bad things happen to those who try to time the market. Yet, we try to do it. The temptation is too strong. Bad things happen to those who trade emotionally. Yet, some fall for that trap over and over again. In fact, it could be argued that the Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies markets are even more emotional than the traditional ones. And that’s saying a lot. In any case, before making any rash decisions, we should remember what we’re talking about here. The Fear & Greed Index goes into neutral territory | Source: Arcane Research What Exactly Is The Fear And Greed Index? We at NewsBTC deal with this constantly. Even though the Fear and Greed Index is a criticized and questionable indicator, there’s an undeniable connection to the market that’s obvious even to the casual observer. When we found a bizarre correlation between the Fear & Greed Index and UTXO data, we prefaced ...

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