2021-07-30 23:00:48

How Much Is Your Love Worth? Polish Influencer Sells “Love” As NFT

NFTs are becoming the next big thing in the crypto market as more investors get on board with projects surrounding them. Non-fungible tokens like the “Stoner Cats” NFTs was released with huge success in their communities. Non-fungible tokens which mostly revolved around art when they were first released has now expanded into a wider domain. Increasing support for NFTs has shone through with e-commerce giant Shopify adding merchant support for non-fungible tokens. And most recently, Coca-Cola partnering up with Tafi to launch its very first collection of non-fungible tokens. The non-fungible tokens include files like images, audio, and video. Related Reading | Are NFTs Dead? New Game Changing Trends Now comes one of the most interesting uses of none-fungible tokens so far and that is 26-year-old Polish influencer Marta Rentel announcing she has sold her love online as an NFT. The NFT sold for $250,000 and the lucky buyer gets to go on a date with the influencer. Selling “Digital Love” Talking about the sale, Rental explained that she wasn’t selling her physical love. But was rather selling the love of her online persona. “Nothing on the Internet is physical,” Rental said. “It’s part of my online persona.” The 26-year-old Polish influencer boasts over 600,000 followers on Instagram and goes by the name of Marti Renti online. The influencer explained that she wanted to be the first person in the world to tokenize emotions. R...

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