2022-05-21 01:30:23

Is Monero (XMR) Worth Hodling?

Monero (XMR) is a privacy cryptocurrency launched in April 2014. It is presently trading at $168.47. XMR has increased by 8.57% in the past 24 hours. Reason Why XMR is Worth Hodling Some of the reasons why Monero (XMR) is worth hodling are: Monero Upgrade to Bulletproof+ Monero would soon increase the security of its platform by upgrading to Bulletproof+ from the present Bulletproof algorithm. This change will ensure the Monero Blockchain’s protection from Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) miners in its next hard fork. This upgrade has made top XMR whales hodl the coin to attract more investors. Present Return on Investment Since the launch of XMR in April 2014 as a hard fork of Bytecoin, it has had a return on investment of 6554%. Therefore, XMR initial holders will continue to gain. That is 65.54 times the initial price of Monero when it was listed. Also, investors that purchased Monero (XMR) when it attained its current all-time low price of $0.213 on January 15th, 2015, have received a 77221% return on investment. At the time of writing, this product is worth $168.47. Relative Volume in Circulation Monero is one of the top 30 cryptocurrencies, according to CoinMarketCap, with a low circulating volume. Its circulating volume is 18,123,470 XMR which is comparatively lower than the top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, XRP, and Litecoin. In a time of a bullish run, this low supply could favor...

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