2022-05-18 07:23:12

Fund Tycoon Fallen Hedge Raising Funds For Crypto TV Channel

According to sources, Falcone rose to fame and money by shorting housing markets and earning a fortune of $2 billion but has now spent much of it over the previous decade. The New York Post claimed on May 17 that the former hedge fund tycoon is hoping to profit from television coverage of the cryptocurrency business, filling a gap in the market. Falcone is said to be presenting BlockchainTV to investors in the hopes of raising enough money to launch a specialized crypto television channel. According to the story, Falcone engaged former music producer Charlie Walk to help him market the concept and attract investors, which the team has been pursuing since January. Fallen Hedge Fund Tycoon Raising Funds for Crypto TV Channel — The Daily Crypto (@thedailycryptos) May 18, 2022 Bringing Crypto TV to Life Falcone believes that the world requires a 24-hour network dedicated solely to cryptocurrency, NFTs, Metaverse, and Web3. While major financial sites like Bloomberg occasionally cover the price movements of high-cap assets like Bitcoin, the remainder of the ecosystem receives virtually little TV coverage. People must currently rely on social media and venues such as YouTube for their crypto show fix, which is tightly controlled. The channel’s website is primarily bare of information, but it does mention that it will begin in Q3. “Dedicated to the digital space, Blockchain.TV is launching in the third quarter...

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