2022-05-13 17:07:41

How Poor User Experiences Lower the Market Cap for NFTs

Interest in the revolutionary technology “NFTs” has been growing over the last few years; in many countries, it peaked last year, in others, such as Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, the NFT boom is now. as interest grows, so does the number of people hearing about and buying NFTs reaching well beyond the world of crypto enthusiasts. Since the real hurdle to expanding a market is turning curious people into investors in order to raise the market cap of NFTs, it’s the new investors that need to be supported. The problem is that the current poor user experiences in the NFT space are pushing away new investors and lowering the market cap. Research shows that the barriers to NFT adoption are reliability, education and necessity. These barriers have severely limited the adoption of NFTs. One columnist for The Daily Eastern News claims that NFTs are “really confusing”, while other writers criticize NFT marketplaces for being too technical, confusing and fragmented across Web 3.0. Among the different marketplaces, many have attempted to remove barriers to entry for new NFT investors. One such example is Opensea which added MoonPay as an option to purchase cryptocurrencies. By using MoonPay, an investor can directly add funds and purchase NFTs through their app. However, MoonPay is banned in numerous countries and states. Other issues include lack of education, reliability and support. Currently, no marketplace...

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