2022-05-02 14:30:04

How Fashion Industry Is Reinventing Itself with Blockchain Technology

It’s no secret that the fashion industry has always been one of the world’s most demanding and competitive industries. So as brands and designers strive to stand out from the crowd and put their unique spin on trends and styles, it can be hard to find any similarities between them at all. And in today’s world of fast fashion, where nearly everything is made as cheaply as possible and shipped over to you within days of its creation, it can seem like every brand out there is more or less exactly the same as the next brand…Until now, that is. A Brief History Of Fashion The development of fashion design as an artistic expression and a form of creative art. It is credited to Francesco Albani in 1796. He was a Roman artist, who was into various painting styles, but he is best known for his fashion drawings. He brought his love and passion for art from Rome to Paris, where he became one of France’s most influential artists during his time. The term Haute couture appeared for the first time in 1826 in France. It referred to high-quality dressmaking that used luxurious fabrics and detailed embroidery. In fact, Haute couture remains popular today, focusing on custom-made clothing created by hand from start to finish. In America, ready-to-wear fashion made its debut at New York’s Seventh Regiment Armory in 1913. It featured clothes created by famous designers like Paul Poiret and Jeanne Lanvin. However, they were only available for purch...

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