2022-04-18 12:01:01

Ethereum Foundation Reveals $1.6B Treasury Holdings

The Ethereum Foundation, the non-profit organization behind the Ethereum blockchain has launched a new report that reveals its $1.6 billion treasury holdings. The newly published report also shares information about how the project goes about allocating its resources. Ethereum Foundation Releases New Report The Ethereum Foundation’s new report has revealed that the non-profit’s treasury holdings totals $1.6 billion as of Mar. 31, 2022. Of the $1.6 billion, there are over $1.29 billion worth of Ether (ETH), and $302 million investments in non-crypto and $11 million in other crypto investments. Today we’re publishing the EF report! This is a new way to communicate our core values, explain what makes the EF unique, and share information about all of the ways that EF teams contribute to our vision of Ethereum as an Infinite Garden. Read it here: — Ethereum (@ethereum) April 18, 2022 Additionally, the Ethereum Foundation also clarified how it goes about selling its ETH holdings to increase its non-crypto savings. The Foundation explained that it actively sells parts of its ETH reserves in times of the bull market. For instance, the Foundation previously cashed out 70,000 ETH at the height of the 2017 bull market, 35,000 ETH shortly after the May 2021 peak, and another 20,000 ETH the day after Ethereum hit its current all-time high of $4,878 on Nov. 10. The Ethereum Foundation is th...

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