2022-04-16 22:05:11

Qtum Price Prediction 2022-2026-Will the Price of QTUM Hit $9.20 by the end of 2022?

Qtum is the native token in the Qtum platform. Qtum provides a standardized, stable, and safe development environment for smart contracts, enabling business-friendly smart contract coding, deploying, and execution. Qtum is also a decentralized application platform, compatible with existing blockchain infrastructure, and is modularized so new technology can always be added. Qtum boasts the biggest PoS peer-to-peer network, with full nodes only exceeded by the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks. What is Qtum (QTUM)? Patrick Dai is the founder and Chairman of Qtum. The other two co-founders are the CTO and blockchain architect Neil Mahi and lead developer Jordan Earls. Qtum’s Decentralized Governance Protocol (DGP) allows specific blockchain settings to be modified by making use of smart contracts. Qtum also provides mature development resources for blockchain and app development. Qtum’s Account Abstraction Layer decouples applications from the underlying protocol, maintaining the performance of the blockchain and lending the ability to add more smart contract capability in the future. Now, we shall consider the price analysis of Qtum for the coming years. Flashback: Fundamental Analysis of Qtum (QTUM). One of the factors that have enhanced the price of Bitcoin is halving. The same technique is adopted by the Qtum blockchain where the miners’ reward for each block is reduced by half. This will ensure that the volume of Qtum in circula...

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