2022-04-15 15:10:49

Bitcoin Bear Market Comparison Says It Is Almost Time For Bull Season

There is no denying that Bitcoin has been ripped to shreds by bears over the last several months after setting a new all-time high in November last year. Even with new highs, the rally is largely viewed as a failure without a dramatic cycle conclusion. But what if that rally was part of a bear phase, that only now is about to end? In a new direct comparison between bear phases in Bitcoin since 2018, it could indicate that it is almost time for another bull season any day now. Bull Market Cyclical Behavior Months ago, the term “few” was thrown around by the crypto community because not enough people understood the potential of what Bitcoin could do for them financially. Today, very few people are expecting Bitcoin to rally from here. Oftentimes, when the hive sentiment is at its most frothy, deep corrections set the masses straight. At the moment, Bitcoin bears are salivating for below $30,000, but they might not ever get it according to a new comparison. Related Reading | Bitcoin Mimics Textbook Market Sentiment Cycle, What Happens When Confidence Returns? Any market exhibits cyclical behavior on multiple timeframes. There are bear and bull markets, and even uptrends and downtrends within them that alternate based on moods. But what if these alternating patterns of mood changes were predictable? That’s what the below comparison aims to find out. This comparison chart says it is time's up for bears |...

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