2022-04-14 09:35:14

Ethereum Merge Postponed Till Later Than June, Exact Date Unknown

Ethereum merge, an upgrade that swaps the blockchain network from its current proof-of-work consensus mechanism with a more eco-friendly, secured, and efficient proof-of-stake model, has been postponed until the latter half of this year. ETH Core Developer Updates on Ethereum Merge In a Twitter thread, Ethereum core developer Tim Beiko was questioned by an individual on behalf of the Ethereum mining community who remains invested in the network on whether they would be “left out to dry?” Responding to the tweet, Beiko suggested not investing in any more mining equipment “at this point,” hinting that the transition is just a few months away. Thanking him for the reply, the individual then asked again whether the mining community have more time or the ‘plug would be pulled’ out for the Ethereum miners in June. At this question, Beiko wrote back: “It won’t be June, but likely in the few months after. No firm date yet, but we’re definitely in the final chapter of PoW on Ethereum.” It won't be June, but likely in the few months after. No firm date yet, but we're definitely in the final chapter of PoW on Ethereum — Tim Beiko | timbeiko.eth 🔥🧱 (@TimBeiko) April 12, 2022 Beiko’s tweet indicates that Ethereum miners will have some more time until the final “plug-pull” on miners, suggesting that the network’s transition to proof-of-stake is more likely to come “in a few months after.” Developers Now Testing ETH 2.0 on Shadow Fork Beik...

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