2022-04-06 06:48:33

Will Crypto Hit a Ceiling? Crypto Companies Aim to Prevent It

In November of 2021, the crypto market cap reached a peak of 2.8 trillion USD, putting it on par with Apple’s market cap and bigger than Microsoft’s, sending a clear message to the world; Crypto is here to stay. Despite this massive achievement, there has been significant push-back from institutions and banks around the world clinging tightly to their old notions of what defines “money”. These regulating bodies want to strike a balance between centralized and decentralized finance (DeFi). Several countries have already accepted crypto as legal tender, and others have either implemented or begun to implement their own Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). While this is a step in the right direction, the infrastructure to join both the DeFi crypto and centralized CBDCs is severely lacking. This prevents corporations and businesses from being able to truly adopt cryptocurrencies in a viable manner. Businesses need an easier way to adopt crypto from a large-scale economic standpoint, as current DeFi products and services are not catered to, or designed with, big businesses in mind. In addition, the learning curve for crypto is steep for both individuals and corporations alike. Until these differences can be reconciled, crypto will struggle to break through that “ceiling” and attain wide-scale adoption. A Blockchain Startup Looking To Help Breakthrough Parrotly Finance Inc‘s mission is to fill that void and bri...

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