2022-04-06 07:06:45

Blockchain Is the Future Of Hollywood, Says Departing WarnerMedia CEO

The future of Hollywood is in blockchain, according to WarnerMedia’s departing CEO Jason Kilar who announced his departure on Tuesday. Blockchain may also open up new forms of financing, he added. Blockchain And Storytelling As Kilar prepares to depart WarnerMedia which he helped the firm usher into the streaming era, he asserts that the blockchain is the future of Hollywood. Even though he declined to discuss his next pursuit, Kilar stated that he saw new opportunities at the intersection of storytelling and technology. “I have no intention of retiring. As for where you may find me, it’s in the construction. Because I enjoy building at the end of the day, it will almost certainly be at the intersection of storytelling, technology, and blockchain,” Kilar told Reuters. Kilar’s tenure was marked by innovation which includes pushing technology into mainstream entertainment. “I think that’s going to be a potential wave that’s going to be coming to Hollywood, in the same way that the DVD wave came to Hollywood in the ’90s. Obviously, that changed the economic fortunes of a lot of these companies, WarnerMedia included,” he added. The former executive was recruited to lead Hulu. Within two months of Hulu’s launch in March 2008, the site surged into popularity. He even launched his own subscription video service for social media content, Vessel, which was subsequently sold in 2016 to Verizon, and four years later he joined ...

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