2022-04-01 11:13:41

How A Game-Changing Decentralized Synthetic Exchange Aims to Unlock the True Value of Commodities and Digital Assets On-Chain

The barter system, where you trade your cow for someone else’s grains, for instance, is probably older than you think. It has its roots dating back to 6000 BC when Mesopotamian tribes first made exchanges with other groups. Those methods of exchange worked well before things like the Internet or decentralized technology existed. Trading was necessary not because commodities have financial value or even industrial utility, but because they were necessary for survival. Back then, societies weren’t as worried about gold or silver as they were about grains, milk, and beans. Today, even though society is living in a time where artificial intelligence, automation, blockchain technology and decentralization are going to make means of exchange far more democratic, and private than ever before, commodities still derive their value from the same things. Agricultural goods provide us with a means to nourish ourselves and survive. Energy in the form of oil, natural gas etc. allows us to keep the lights on and keep the economy moving, and precious metals provide us with industrial utility and the ability to hedge against inflation. Here’s the thing. The above commodities are non-fungible. They are not so easy to trade. That means no matter how valuable they are, some of that value is sucked away by old-world value chains. Thus, it remains out of the hands of the everyday individual. That’s why Comdex is launching a decentralized exchange (...

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