2022-03-21 09:48:18

Nesting Dolls NFT Project Releases Droves of Unique Art Assets

The Nesting Dolls NFT project has announced the launch of its unique collection of digital art objects in International nesting dolls style created in collaboration with numerous artists from around the world. The aim of the project is to attract attention to environmental problems through the adoption of digital technologies. The Nesting Dolls project has released its collection of digital NFT Nesting Dolls, each depicting a mother carrying on her family’s legacy through a child in her womb. The Nesting Dolls are made of wood and represent one of the most important symbols of International culture. The Nesting Dolls project believes that the gradual depletion of the Earth’s natural resources, such as wood, is a considerable environmental problem that can be solved using modern digital technologies. The Nesting Dolls project is aiming to highlight the ecological problems facing humankind by allowing its users to adopt one of 8,888 one-of-a-kind generative art MadNestingDolls. The collection of NFT Nesting Dolls is a transition of physical values ​​into the virtual world to preserve the natural resources from which The Nesting Dolls are originally made. The project development team aims to usher users to make the transition into the decentralized metaverse space and transfer their production and values ​​into the virtual world to save the planet, while opting for recycled materials in the real world. The MadNestingDolls collect...

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