2022-03-12 19:24:13

FTX Partners with Forbes to Launch Virtual Billionaire NFTs

According to FTX NFTs, the NFT branch of major cryptocurrency exchange FTX, the debut of its interactive Virtual Billionaire NFTs, in which holders will have their own profile on Forbes, the famous American business magazine, announced on Twitter. To purchase from the NFT collection, users must create and verify an FTX US account. After that, the user must make a deposit of at least 0.25 ETH into their FTX account to complete the process. This is the minimum amount required to participate in the NFT Billionaire Collection. Subscribers of the American business magazine will also get an exclusive 48-hour early access opportunity to purchase the NFTs before everyone else. What is the FTX Virtual Billionaire NFTs collection? Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are now sweeping the digital art and collectibles market. They are digital assets stored on a blockchain, each having a unique identification number that distinguishes it from the others. They may be used to represent ownership of any kind of unique item. In contrast to fungible tokens such as bitcoins, which have a definite value, they are not capable of being traded or swapped at current prices. For NFT fans, the Forbes Virtual Billionaire NFTS collection is a unique opportunity to have their own profile page on Forbes’ website, which is made possible by a fun and engaging token that can be validated and exchanged on the blockchain. The NFTs owners will have their own profile page...

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