2022-03-11 11:52:20

Ethereum Price Prediction 2022-2026-Will ETH Price Hit $6500 by the end of 2022?

Ethereum (ether or ETH) is the native token of the Ethereum blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain is open-sourced and enables anyone to write smart contracts on it for the development of decentralized applications (dApps). Most of the dApps that are developed in the Ethereum blockchain are hosted as ERC-20 tokens which are in their hundreds of thousands. Presently, transactions in the tokens are carried out by using ether in buying the gas fees. What is Ethereum? Ethereum is a cryptocurrency that was co-founded by Russian Vitalik Buterin with other cofounders like Gavin Wood, Charles Hoskinson, and others in 2013. It raised over $18.3 million through its public sale of 60 million Ether in 2014 at an initial coin offering price of $0.311. It uses the Solidity programming language that is highly secured to ensure that assets stored in private wallets are saved from attacks. Ethereum is a community-driven coin that wants to ensure that everyone in the world can transact with ease and also launch their projects on the platform. The native token Ether attained an all-time high price of $4,891.70 on November 16th, 2021 during the bullish run of some of the top 100 cryptocurrencies. Let’s see the Ethereum price analysis for the coming years. Price Analysis of Ethereum Coin Flashback: Fundamental Analysis of Ethereum Fundamental analysis has to do with ways through which news and announcements can affect the price of an asset. In the Et...

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