2022-03-10 05:42:18

Crypto Finance Management Platform Request Finance Reimagines B2B Payments

A study from Chainalysis shows crypto adoption has risen by 880% in 2021, and it is only set to grow further. The mass adoption of crypto has become a matter of “when” and not “if”. Just as with the early days of the internet, or computers, businesses are a particularly important constituent in the adoption of any new technology. However, with the tremendous growth rate that the industry is witnessing, particularly with DeFi, a seamless experience for businesses to do their invoicing, accounting, and other financial operations in crypto is long overdue. Enter Request Finance, a crypto finance management platform that is set to change the course of B2B crypto payments by simplifying financial operations for crypto companies, often managing teams of freelancers working remotely around the world. Its vision is to support a future financial system where crypto assets become a norm in our economies. Accounting is the lifeblood of businesses. Preserving and managing meticulous records of payslips, bills, invoices and records are crucial to keeping a regular check of cash flow, cutting down on redundant expenses, and keeping tabs on all upcoming and pending payments. Request Finance, from Request Labs, is building an integrated suite of financial tools eventually to help traditional businesses, individuals, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), metaverse projects, freelancers, and other upcoming crypto-native organizations t...

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