2022-02-01 23:57:10

Bitcoin Volatility Drops To 15 Month Low; What This Could Mean

Is this the calm before the storm? Bitcoin volatility is seldom this steady. After a tumultuous downturn that had the whole market upside down, bitcoin’s fiat price is relatively flat. Everyone can breathe and rest, for a while at least. What does this mean and how long will it last, though? That’s what we’re here to explore. Related Reading | Dwindling Bitcoin Volatility Could Lead To Decisive Move It’s no secret that the market was expecting a hike in the interest rates, and thus people were selling risky assets. However, the powers that be postponed the increase, and, well, the market calmed down. During this downturn, though, Bitcoin proved once again that the market considers it the least risky asset in the cryptocurrency space. Everyone bled, but Bitcoin considerably less so. In any case, back to volatility, Arcane Research’s The Weekly Update has the scoop: “Bitcoin’s 7-day volatility is now at the lowest level since November 2020. Together with the trading volume, the volatility exploded last week when bitcoin dropped below $40,000. After bottoming at $33,500, the bitcoin price has been slowly grinding upwards, and it looks like the market has released sufficient pressure for now. Still, we might see new volatility peaks soon as bitcoin trades closer to several key resistance and support levels that might be catalysts for increased volatility.” The pressure is off, but, the steadiness might not last. If there’s on...

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